Paper-edit: json - draft
Hypertranscript / autoEdit Json
This is the autoEdit json for a transcription. It models the structure of a transciptions text. With paragraphs, lines, and words.
"text": [
"id": 0,
"speaker": "Unnamed Speaker",
"paragraph": [
"line": [
"id": 0,
"text": "oh",
"startTime": 0.06,
"endTime": 1.65
This is a papercut json extracted from the dom view. Inside events. Contains either headings / titles or actual “papercuts” video segments. Events is sinonimum with papercuts. In edl format they are called events. It is missing words and text. So it’s hard to parse it back into the view once that is saved into the model/db. → ideally would want to change this to accomodate words, and have one papercut template for both scenarios.
"title": "Paperedit 2",
"events": [
"title": "Introduction",
"id": 1
"startTime": "16",
"endTime": "22.64",
"transcriptionId": "24dcd88b",
"reelName": "NA",
"clipName": "Ian Perkin-Mobile.mp4",
"videoId": "videoId_24dcd88b",
"speaker": "Unnamed Speaker",
"src": "/Users/pietropassarelli/Library/Application Support/autoEdit2/media/Ian_Perkin-Mobile.mp4.1486169904445.webm",
"audioFile": "/Users/pietropassarelli/Library/Application Support/autoEdit2/media/Ian_Perkin-Mobile.mp4.1486169904445.ogg",
"offset": "NA",
"id": 2
Papercut in view
Data structure used in papercut.html.ejs
to make a paper-edit when selecting words in transcription side. (hypertranscript).
It is an array of words, and It has redundant informations. To make it easier for the extraction.
"papercut": [
"text": "but ",
"clipName": "Ian Perkin-Mobile.mp4",
"reelName": "NA",
"startTime": "92.35",
"endTime": "92.47",
"speaker": "Unnamed Speaker",
"audioFile": "/Users/pietropassarelli/Library/Application Support/autoEdit2/media/Ian_Perkin-Mobile.mp4.1486169904445.ogg",
"src": "/Users/pietropassarelli/Library/Application Support/autoEdit2/media/Ian_Perkin-Mobile.mp4.1486169904445.webm",
"transcriptionId": "24dcd88b",
"videoId": "videoId_24dcd88b",
"offset": "NA"
"text": "it ",
"clipName": "Ian Perkin-Mobile.mp4",
"reelName": "NA",
"startTime": "92.47",
"endTime": "92.76",
"speaker": "Unnamed Speaker",
"audioFile": "/Users/pietropassarelli/Library/Application Support/autoEdit2/media/Ian_Perkin-Mobile.mp4.1486169904445.ogg",
"src": "/Users/pietropassarelli/Library/Application Support/autoEdit2/media/Ian_Perkin-Mobile.mp4.1486169904445.webm",
"transcriptionId": "24dcd88b",
"videoId": "videoId_24dcd88b",
"offset": "NA"
This is done so that there can be an interactive transcript this side as well using ejs
<dl class="dl-horizontal">
<dt><%= papercut[0].speaker %></dt>
<a data-start-time="<%= papercut[0].startTime %>" data-video-id="<%= papercut[0].videoId %>" class="timecodes"><%= fromSeconds(papercut[0].startTime) %></a>
<% for(var i=0; i<papercut.length; i++){%>
<span contenteditable="false" class="words text-muted papereditWords"
data-transcription-id="<%= papercut[i].transcriptionId %>"
data-reel-name="<%= papercut[i].reelName %>"
data-clip-name="<%= papercut[i].clipName %>"
data-video-id="<%= papercut[i].videoId %>"
data-speaker="<%= papercut[i].speaker %>"
data-src="<%= papercut[i].src %>"
data-audio-file="<%= papercut[i].audioFile %>"
data-start-time="<%= papercut[i].startTime %>"
data-text="<%= papercut[i].text %>"
data-end-time="<%= papercut[i].endTime %>"><%= papercut[i].text %> </span>
<% } %>
EDL JSON/EDL export module - transcription
At the moment as as the papercut EDL json in autoEdit but with fields less, as it doesn’t need a lot of the once in the autoEdit one, to be able to make an .edl file.
var edlSqDemo = {
"title": "Demo Title of project",
//offset is optional default is "00:00:00:00"
"events": [
{ "id":1,
"startTime": 10,
"endTime": 20,
"offset": "00:00:28:08"
{ "id":2,
"startTime": 45,
"endTime": 55,
"offset": "00:00:28:08"
{ "id":2,
"startTime": 45,
"endTime": 55,
"offset": "00:00:28:08"
EDL JSON/EDL export module - paper-edit
"title": "Paperedit 2",
"events": [
"title": "Introduction",
"id": 1
"startTime": "16",
"endTime": "22.64",
"transcriptionId": "24dcd88b",
"reelName": "NA",
"clipName": "Ian Perkin-Mobile.mp4",
"videoId": "videoId_24dcd88b",
"speaker": "Unnamed Speaker",
"src": "/Users/pietropassarelli/Library/Application Support/autoEdit2/media/Ian_Perkin-Mobile.mp4.1486169904445.webm",
"audioFile": "/Users/pietropassarelli/Library/Application Support/autoEdit2/media/Ian_Perkin-Mobile.mp4.1486169904445.ogg",
"offset": "NA",
"id": 2,
"papercut": [
"text": "but ",
"clipName": "Ian Perkin-Mobile.mp4",
"reelName": "NA",
"startTime": "92.35",
"endTime": "92.47",
"speaker": "Unnamed Speaker",
"audioFile": "/Users/pietropassarelli/Library/Application Support/autoEdit2/media/Ian_Perkin-Mobile.mp4.1486169904445.ogg",
"src": "/Users/pietropassarelli/Library/Application Support/autoEdit2/media/Ian_Perkin-Mobile.mp4.1486169904445.webm",
"transcriptionId": "24dcd88b",
"videoId": "videoId_24dcd88b",
"offset": "NA"