

Download the latest stable release from the releases page. Check out the release description to see what has changed from the previous version.

  • download the dmg file
  • open it/mount it on your mac/finder
  • drag the app into the applications folder
  • add it to the dock if you want a shortcut to it.

unidentified developer

if you get theunidentified developererror follow these instructions

Extra dependency: Aeneas

Aeneas is an open source tool that is used by this app under the hood to do the alignment.

In order to use the app you need to install Aeneas on your computer.

You can install it for mac os x by downloading the dmg from this link.

Aeneas in app link

At a very high level under the hood Aeneas converts the text of the provided transcription into speech (TTS) and compares the waveform with the one of the original media (audio or video) to do the alignment.

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