FrameTrail // Joscha Jäger, Open HyperVideo
- FrameTrail // Joscha Jäger, Open Hypervideo [Slides]
- Experience, manage, and edit interactive video
- "Like an IDE for film" -- "at this point in time, I want this snippet to be executed"
- Open source, of course!
- Two use cases:
- Annotating German Parliamentary debates
- Connecting relevant document sets with video recordings
- Web annotation data model (JSON LD) file format
- To be released at the end of August
- Open source web documentary “Field Trip”
- Attempt to do all post-production in-browser
- Expected release October 2018
- Q: What problems have you encountered when using JSON LD?
- Some strange decisions in format spec, e.g. timestamps are represented as strings
- A lot of repeated information within a single file